Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Time Tetris

 Kanban Calendar

Otherwise known as TimeBoxing. It can give you a moveable task management system. I use it in tandem with to-do checkboxes and lists of things on Obsidian. That which can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/AuroraMediant/posts/385117170694155

Onto Time Tetris!

This is what my current day looks like, now what it is and what it ends up are never going to be the same.

Uncheck your used calendars so they don't get mixed up: Click the + sign and go to create new calendar:

Now fill in your blocks as you need. I like to do an 1 hour for some things, 45 minute long pomodoro/work blocks and transition blocks of 15 minutes so I can ease into the next task. Always make yourself unexpected blocks of time. Don't be afraid to move around as you need to, just make sure you are keeping note of the blocks of what you wanted to do that get deleted. This gives a good overview on what you want to spend your time on as well as working as a living schedule. 

If you can't keep to it that's okay! In fact your not supposed to. Move around the blocks as necessary. 

When filling out your schedule click on a timeslot and then go to more options: 

Set the allotted time: 

Make sure to set to repeat as needed. Daily, or once every Monday and so forth. 

Set a color for a task type group: 

Now if you set it to week view you can see it repeats every day:

Switch back to today view. If you need to move something around just grab hold of the block, drag and drop it to where you want it to be. 

Don't forget to look at your settings: 

Adjust notifications as needed: